Highway Embankment Drainage

Starter Layer, Fildrain - Melton Mowbray Distributor Road, UK

Client Galliford Try
Distributor Burdens

Fildrain – Earthworks & Embankments



  • Multi-directional flow
  • Alternative to a 6C stone layer, delivering 66% / 5,880 tonnes carbon saving
  • 135% cost saving and 50% decrease in construction time

Project Description
The Melton Mowbray Distributor Road is a new 7.1km bypass to the North and East of the town of Melton Mowbray. The road is being built to relieve congestion through the town and provide housing and development opportunities in the area. As part of the scheme, extensive new cycling and walking routes are also being provided.

The Challenge
Sections of the road are being built onto embankments which require a drainage layer beneath them to remove water from the underlying soils. The specified starter layer for numerous embankments required a 500mm thick 6C drainage stone with a separation/filtration geotextile layer both above and below. Concerns over the environmental impact of importing the required 8,829 tonnes of stone via 444 trucks led Galliford Try to seek a value engineering solution to reduce time, cost and carbon emissions.

The Solution
In collaboration with Burdens, Galliford Try explored alternative solutions. Burdens proposed using ABG’s BBA approved Fildrain geocomposite drainage layer with a 7mm cuspated HDPE core. The Fildrain 7DHD product completely replaces the need for the traditional 6C fill and separate geotextiles.

The innovative double sided core provides multi-directional flow and delivers significant savings in time, cost, and carbon emissions. Fildrain also offers significant carbon savings of 66% compared to the traditional stone. This is as a result of saving hundreds of stone deliveries from a quarry 19 miles away when compared to a much smaller number of Fildrain deliveries.

50,000m2 of 7mm Fildrain at 2.35kg CO2e per m2

5,880 tons of CO2 saved compared to traditional methods

4 Fildrain deliveries compared to 444 aggregate deliveries

A total of 66% CO2 saving

Fildrain required a departure from the standard design and following meetings with the consultant AECOM and Leicestershire County Council, approval to use Fildrain was granted. The Melton Mowbray Distributor Road scheme has been submitted for the annual Ground Engineering awards and has made it to the finals in the sustainability project category.

The ABG Service
ABG’s Design Department provided carbon saving calculations to support the variation and sustainability proposals and installation and setting out guidance on commencement of the scheme.

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