Intensive Green Roofs, often referred to as ‘Roof Gardens’, can be viewed very much like a garden area and may be landscaped to include trees, lawns, flower beds and paved areas. With an intensive roof the only real limit to its scope is the weight of the system and the structure necessary to support it. Many modern developments incorporate landscaped roofs at ground level, for example above basement areas and underground car parks. These are commonly referred to as podium decks. The decked areas themselves create additional usable space in urban developments.
Intensive Green Roofs typically consists of a drainage & reservoir layer under soft landscaping; Roofdrain, and a drainage only layer beneath hard landscaped areas; Deckdrain. Thereafter an Intensive growing media is applied in soft landscaped locations prior to planting.
Typical Client Profile
- Landscape Architects
- Drainage Consultants.
- Roofing Contractors
- Main Client

Associated System Products
Within an intensive green roof system, the following geosynthetic products and accessories may be used in the roof design:
Roofdrain is designed for use in intensive green roof systems beneath soft landscaping. It provides both drainage and attenuation in a convenient, lightweight and cost effective system.
Deckdrain is a high performance geocomposite drainage system with pre-bonded filter geotextile for ease of installation. it provides high flow capacity beneath hard landscaping and added protection to waterproofing.
Intensive Growing Media
A blend of water retaining aggregates, crushed brick and organic material designed for use on intensive green roofs.Intensive roofs as the name suggests, require higher maintenance installations which give a greater flexibility with planting options due to the increased depth. Typically depths exceed 200mm.
Abpro Aluminium Profiles
ABG Abpro Aluminium Profiles are designed for use in a variety of green roof applications as an edge restraint or as segregation between different materials.
ABG Green Roof Access Chambers
Purpose designed to create an inspection point around a roof outlet.