Geogreen Solutions becomes ABG Installs

ABG’s specialist geosynthetic installations business will be trading under the new name of ‘ABG Installs’, coming into effect as of the 1st March 2023. The installations company was originally established as Geogreen Solutions back in 2015, but to better reflect its position within the ABG group of companies, the new ‘ABG Installs’ trading name will be used going forwards.

The company information for our installation business is now included under the main ABG Geosynthetics website (see link in the top menu above) and the Geogreen email addresses will change to the format (emails to the old Geogreen addresses will still be directed to the right person however).

Rest assured the same award winning Green & Blue Roof, Earth Retaining Walls and Podium Landscaping installations and contracting team also remain in place under the new name!

If you have any questions about this change to our trading name, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.