State of the Nation 2018

The recent publication of the annual Institue of Civil Engineers State of the Nation report highlights some interesting challenges for UK infrastructure. As the UK repositions itself on the global stage and the population continues to increase, infrastructure needs become increasingly complex. Questions around capacity, reliability and performance need to be asked as improving the performance of our networks has never been more important.

The report examines the scale of the challenges to meet future needs. It goes on to make a number for recommendations about how existing funding methods may be better utilised, and also makes a case for fresh approaches. The report covers sectors including Roads, Rail, Energy and Water, and builds on the thinking outlined in the ICE National Needs Assessment.

In a period of increasing change it is good to see proposals for better backing for funding of infrastructure to increase certainty in resources and skills to meet the demands as sustainably as possible. For our small part, ABG will continue to develop systems for, and to promote green infrastructure wherever possible as the best solution to meet some of the challenges.

You can download the report from the ICE here.