Sudspave for Yorkshire Sculpture Park

ABG Geosynthetics is proud to have provided detailed design and supply services for new car parking at the iconic Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Bretton

Project: Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Bretton

Product: ABG Sudspave Porous Pavers

Application: Porous Paved Carpark SuDS

Project Overview

Development of the 4,500 m2 of Sudspave 40 gravel filled cellular permeable paving system started in October ‘19 and installation was completed in February ’20, however, opening was delayed until September due to Covid ‘19.

There was insufficient parking at the Country Park and the site’s grassed overflow areas were uneven, prone to rutting, loss of traction and localised flooding. The site was extremely wet, sloping and badly drained but ABG were able to design and supply a robust construction profile employing their GeogridsGeotextiles and Deckdrain as a cost effective, highly efficient SUDS drainage system in conjunction with the free-draining surface of Sudspave.

This has resolved access and parking issues for the 150,000 vehicles that visit the attraction each year, making it easier for visitors to park and explore the 500 acre park. The YSP development team are extremely pleased with the new clean, hard-wearing, safe and free-draining finished surface which provides an additional 180 car parking spaces.

The attraction at Bretton Hall estate in West Yorkshire is the largest of its kind in Europe, providing the only place to see Barbara Hepworth’s The Family of Man in its entirety alongside a significant collection of sculpture, including bronzes by Henry Moore, and site-specific works by Andy Goldsworthy, David Nash and James Turrell.

‘For a day’s fun with art, it’s hard to beat the Yorkshire Sculpture Park. Set in a beautiful landscaped garden laid out in the 18th century, it’s a place to wander, discover and be amazed.’

Waldemar Januszczak, The Sunday Times