Susdrain Awards Commendation

Following our nomination in the New Build Large Scale category ABG attended the inaugural Ciria Susdrain Awards at City Hall in London.

It is brilliant to see such a wide range of schemes and applications being recognised for their use of Sustainable Drainage systems.

Our congratulations go to the London Borough of Hillingdon for their St Andrews Park scheme in Uxbridge, which won the category, and is an excellent showcase of SuDS best practice using permeable surfaces, swales and detention basins to achieve an integrated and holistic approach to managing surface water.

Our nominated scheme at Rathbone Market in London utilised blue roofs across 6 different areas to provide storm water attenuation without any land take in this tight urban site. While it didn’t win the scheme was recognised at the awards with a commendation. You can see the detailed case study here.

As a manufacturer of products designed to allow SuDS to be integrated into any scheme and a long time supporter of Susdrain, ABG congratulate all of the nominees and winners, and thank everyone involved in the awards, and we’re looking forward to the next one!