Truckcell sustainable porous paving solution for vast Sevington Inland Border facility in Ashford, Kent

As part of the Operation Brock measures to prepare for the end of the free movement of goods between the UK and EU on 1st January 2021, HMRC required an Inland Border Facility to be urgently set up to perform new checks on HGVs crossing the UK Border at the Port of Dover and the Channel Tunnel.

The Sevington site is trafficked by up to 950 HGVs at any one time and ABG’s Truckcell solution provides a free-draining, sustainable and durable SuDS surface to withstand the traffic levels without damage or abrasion. Surface water drainage of the site is directed to local wildlife ponds and wetlands via 30,000 square metres of the aggregate filled Truckcell cellular paving design.

Throughout the project, ABG’s in house technical team provided design guidance and site installation support for the customer. The full Sevington Inland Border facility project details can be read here.