ABG blueroof – Blue Roof System

ABG blueroof offers a new concept in the management of storm water on both flat roof and podium areas, and for new build and refurbishment projects. The patented blue roof system utilises part of the roof build-up / depth for the attenuation of storm water, releasing it at a controlled rate in the period following the key design storm events.

ABG blueroof utilises proven ABG products to provide water attenuation within the roof build up.

ABG Blueroof chamber illustration for a Blue Roof system for a green roof system


  • Offices / Commercial
  • Residential
  • Retail
  • Industrial / Distribution
  • Schools & Public Buildings


  • Great option for tight urban sites
  • Cost effective vs. ground attenuation tanks
  • A recognised SuDS process
  • Can contribute to BREEAM or LEED ratings
  • Compatible with multiple surface finishes / area uses
  • Easy to install and maintain
  • Controls storm water run-off rates

Changing weather patterns mean rainfall events have become more extreme, challenging the way water is managed on a roof. Traditional roof drainage methods have allowed rain water to simply run-off the building and into storm water sewers or natural water courses. This lack of management ‘at source’ is a major factor in the rising number of flood events occurring throughout the country.

Blue roof chamber access on a green roof

The adoption of SuDS legislation requires designers and developers to pay more attention to how rain water is managed on sites. There are many techniques available, but the provision of attenuation within the site and ‘at source’ remains a central design tenet. Many projects utilise underground storage tanks, usually constructed using a proprietary ‘box’ system, but these are not always cost effective and often require extensive civil engineering works, take up valuable land space and are not always possible, particularly on tight, inner city developments.

Installation of an ABG blueroof (Blue Roof System) for stormwater Manaagement

The ABG blueroof system offers a new concept in the management of storm water.

Typical Client Profile

  • Architects
  • Drainage Consultants / Engineers
  • Main Contractors & Roofing Contractors
  • Roofing System Suppliers
  • Building Owners / Developers

ABG blueroof offers a radical rethink in roof drainage; the emphasis is switched to utilising void space at roof level to provide attenuation capacity rather than quickly moving the water (and the problem!) elsewhere. Water attenuated within the roof area can then be released at a controlled rate through a bespoke restrictor chamber, designed specifically to meet maximum discharge rates and help keep the flow from site within the levels set by the local authority or SuDS authority as part of the project’s planning consent.

A blue roof provides a drainage system within the green roof system Green roofs with drainage incorporated into the system are known as blue roofs

ABG blueroof is a patented system that can be incorporated into many roof build-ups, including a landscaped podium area (including trafficked) suitable, a green roof construction or on a ballasted or paved roof.

Project Attenuation Calculations

Submit your project design request via our Design Solutions form.

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